The Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (MERS) complies with the Louisiana Public Records Law (La. R.S. 44:1, et seq.)
Public records requests should be submitted in writing to MERS via hand delivery, U.S. Postal service, other delivery service, facsimile, or email. Requests may be submitted to 7937 Office Park Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70809, or via facsimile at (225) 925-4816, or email to lobby [at]
Records shall be provided at a cost of 25 cents per page. Electronic records are subject to a fee based on the actual cost of reproduction. Fees will be specified in advance of providing records and the requestor may decline to accept.
Inspection may be made of public records at the offices of MERS during regular business hours at no charge.
Members will be provided with up to 25 pages of their own record at no charge.
In addition to general exceptions in the Public Records Law, the following exceptions apply specifically to retirement systems:
R.S. 44:15. Medical records of persons applying for disability retirement through any state or statewide public retirement system or pension plan or fund
A. All medical records, application forms, doctor's reports and evaluations, agency certifications, and all other health records of persons applying for disability retirement from any state or statewide public retirement system or pension plan or fund pursuant to the provisions of the applicable laws governing disability retirement for these systems, plans, or funds, and all regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, which are in the custody or control of the board of trustees of any state or statewide public retirement system or pension plan or fund or any duly appointed representative thereof, are exempt from the provisions of this Chapter.
B. All other records pertaining to membership in or retirement under any state or statewide public retirement system or pension plan or fund which are in the custody or control of the board of trustees of any state or statewide public retirement system or pension plan or fund or any duly appointed representative thereof, are subject to the provisions of this Chapter.
R.S. 44:16. Personal data records for certain members of public retirement systems, plans, or funds
A. All records of retired members of public retirement systems, plans, or funds or of members who are participating in or who have participated in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan are exempt from the provisions of this Chapter except for the amount of the retired member's retirement allowance, final average compensation, and years of creditable service, and the names of the agencies with which he was employed and the dates of such employment.
B. The exemption for records of retired members of the public retirement systems, plans, or funds or members who are participating in or who have participated in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan provided in Subsection A of this Section shall not apply to requests for such records by members of the Louisiana Legislature, by any state agency or employer reporting information to the public retirement systems, plans, or funds, or by any association of individuals receiving a retirement allowance or benefit from the public retirement systems, plans, or funds.