The Municipal Employees' Retirement System of Louisiana's Board of Trustees consists of five (5) active contributing members elected by the MERS' active membership, one (1) retired member of MERS' elected by the MERS' retiree membership, the President of the Louisiana Municipal Association (LMA), a member of the House Retirement Committee appointed by the Speaker of the House, the Chairman of the Senate Retirement Committee, the State Treasurer, and the Commissioner of Administration.`
Of the five (5) active contributing trustees, three (3) are in an elected position and two (2) are in non-elected positions. The five (5) trustees elected by the MERS membership must have at least six (6) years of creditable service.
The term for the five (5) active contributing trustees and the one (1) retired trustee is six (6) years and no trustee elected to more than one (1) and one-half (1/2) terms shall serve another term.