Active members of the Municipal Employees' Retirement System of Louisiana (MERS) are entitled to regular, early, disability, and DROP benefits. Eligibility for these benefits depends on the Plan chosen by your employer and your date of hire.
Look up your employer on the left to find out which Plan you are enrolled in and what your benefits and eligibility requirements are for retirement or DROP.
Many requests from our members must be submitted in writing. The MERS staff will not reveal information over the phone unless you answer certain security questions. This policy is for your security and privacy. If you have an original Power of Attorney on file, your designee may request information on your account, but it must be submitted in writing with their signature.
Forms for all requests are on this website under the "Forms" tab on the left of this page.
If you have questions or want to speak to a Retirement Analyst, call our office at 225-925-4810 or 800-820-1137.
Self Service Portal
MERS members now have access to their retirement account online on our Employee Self Service portal. Once registered, you will be able to update your contact information including address, phone number, email address, beneficiary(ies), and marital status. Other exciting features are the ability to obtain retirement/DROP estimates, print contribution statements, contribution verification letters, benefit verification letters, and DROP statements.
All members are encouraged to register their own account. Your registration keeps fraudsters from trying to register on your behalf.
Note that when speaking to coworkers and/or retirees your menu may be different from someone who is in DROP or retired. Your menu on the Employee Self Service portal will depend on your status with MERS.
When registering do not use your work email address. You should use your personal email address as this is your personal information and you will have access to this portal throughout your career and retirement.
You may click here to be routed to the portal.
Call our office at 800-820-1137 or 225-925-4810 if you need assistance registering or navigating through the site.